Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Collecting Medical Debt With The A Collection Attorney Is The Way To Go

Image courtesy of digitalart / freedigitalphotos.net

When a bill has been overdue for several months, most companies will turn the debt over to an agency like a debt collection law firm.  Some debts are easier to collect than others.  Medical debts are probably the most emotionally or morally difficult debts to retrieve.  Collecting from someone whose bank account is already cleaned out from necessary medical treatment seems like kicking that person when he is down.  No one likes to do that.  That is why communication is so important.  Collection lawyers are trained to offer options of how to resolve debt problems.

Medical Debts Are Hard To Collect
Medical service institutions like hospitals, rehabilitation centers, doctor’s offices and companies that provide medical tests often do not have the time to pursue people who owe them money.  Debt collection agencies provide a valuable service for the institutions that provided services without being compensated.  While in an ideal world everyone should be able to receive free medical treatment, the cold, hard truth is that if everyone were to get treatments and care without paying for them, the companies providing those treatments and care could not stay in business. 

Do Not Fight With Your Clients or Customers
Some businesses actually have their own staff that handles delinquent payments for sometimes up to six months before turning them over to dedicated collection attorneys.  It makes sense to let a collection attorney work with non-paying clients.  When a collection attorney works with the debtor, the business is removed from exerting pressure on the client to collect the debt.  Businesses want their clients’ or customer’s business.  They do not want to be identified as treating their customers, clients, or patients in anything but a professional and congenial manner.  Unfortunately, no business can afford to ignore client debts unless they want to risk being in financial difficulty themselves.  A collection law firm will take on the role of getting the debt paid without repercussions to the business itself.

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