Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Top Three Things To Remember When Collecting Overdue Accounts

Image courtesy of Naypong / freedigitalphotos.net

An experienced collection attorney will tell you that to successfully collect from tardy customers requires time, effort and skill in negotiation.  It is a dynamic that must be practiced to be perfected and it requires both firmness and understanding.  The following tips can help you collect debts successfully. 

Negotiation Is Key
To be able to collect debts, a thorough understanding of how negotiation works is necessary.  Negotiation is a process between the debtor and the creditor, and as a debt collector, you have to understand all of the processes involved to be able to recover debt.  This includes understanding how the credit approval process, billing and payments work.  Without a good understanding of all of the steps leading to the debt that you are trying to recover, then you are not in a good position to collect. 

Avoid Persecuting
A debt collector must also understand that no one wants to feel like they are being persecuted, even though they are responsible for the debt.  Offering a solution to the debtor’s problem that can be viewed as a win for both parties will allow you more ease in reaching an agreement.  To do this, you must be clear on what the creditor will accept in terms of payment, and you must be firm with the debtor to ensure that you get at least that amount for the creditor.

Be Confident
It is important for a debt collector to be confident when trying to reach an agreement with a customer, but the debt collector must also be willing to listen.  Patiently listening to what the debtor has to say will go a long way in helping you to reach an agreement.  If you interrupt a customer or make it clear that you are unwilling to hear what the customer is saying, you are almost guaranteed failure.  After listening to the customer, then you must be confident yet polite when offering a solution.  For help collecting on unpaid debts, contact Ross Gelfand at www.collectionfirm.net

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